5 Reasons to Visit Armenia During Autumn

on 08 november 2017
Hits: 6148

As a country with 4 seasons, Armenia has a lot to offer for travelers with different interests and tastes. Each time of the year has its own attractive sides, but as we are now enjoying every bit of this season, it's high time to present 5 reasons to visit Armenia during autumn!


1. Pleasant and mild weather

After the hot temperatures of summer, autumn often comes with a great relief. The velvet season, as it is frequently called here in Armenia, is warm and pleasant, especially in the months of September and October. There might be an occasional rainfall in these two months, but it is not something that can ruin your vacation in the country. The average temperatures for September, October and November are 28, 21 and 12°C and the amount of rainfall is less compared to spring. In other words, early spring is too rainy and summer too hot to enjoy your trip in Armenia. So the best season to visit Armenia is certainly autumn!

2. The multi-colors of nature

With the arrival of autumn the leaves of the trees start to change color. Due to the great variety of trees in various parts of Armenia, you will encounter a multi-color scene with different hues of red, yellow, orange and brown. Especially in the densely forested mountains you will get surrounded by the warm colors of the trees which seem to look like a thick, woolly, Armenian rug. For nature photographers this season is perfect due to the right lighting and, of course, the many colors of the nature. For the best autumn impressions and pics, you might consider to visit Tavush and Lori region.

3. Abundance of fruit and vegetables

For Armenians the best season to plan a wedding is autumn. Why? Because you have an abundance of food here at this time of the year. This could also apply to travelers who plan to come in autumn. Of course it is nice to have pleasant weather and a breathtaking and colorful nature, but the experience of the country can only be perfect if the food is good! During autumn you can enjoy a great variety of fruit, such as the sun-kissed grapes, figs, peaches and pomegranates and order the best autumn dishes in restaurants with grilled vegetables. Your multi-vitamin stock-up for the winter will be guaranteed with a visit to Armenia in autumn.

4. Season of festivals

If you look for more than good food and a beautiful landscape, then the many festivals and feasts might be a good reason to visit Armenia during autumn. In September and October Armenia celebrates Independence Day and the birthday of the capital city of Yerevan when you can enjoy local dances and music. Other interesting festivals are the Wine Festival in Areni, Gata (sweet bread) Festival and Jazz Festival. During this season there are also many opera and ballet performances, concerts and art exhibitions, so you will have plenty of cultural events to enjoy to make your trip to Armenia more attractive!

5. Cheaper rates

If you want to make your trip to Armenia as cheap as possible, then you might consider to visit the country during autumn season, especially end of October and November when the hotel prices start to drop down. Besides that, as the number of tourists also decrease, people working in the tourism industry will try to attract the fewer visitors with cheaper prices. So start to pack your luggage and plan your trip to Armenia this autumn!

Ravina Tours offers special tour packages that are cheap and include most of the above mentioned points. The prices start from €150 for a 4-day trip in Armenia! Contact us for more information.


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